domenica 3 maggio 2009

Strenght - Leo

'Did you ever wonder why

the beast you always ride

is only your hidden pride?'

The Strenght is represented by a woman dominating a lion. The meaning seems, thus, evident. It’s not a card of violence, muscles, or forceful manners. It is the delicateness and graciousness that conquer the solar, male, brutal and fiery character, here, represented by a lion. The feminine element can control, through her spiritual and ethical power, the physical strength of a wild animal. It foresees that, through discipline, effort and firmness, everything can be achieved, no matter the nature of what is desired. When it comes up to a consultant, it also translates energy, vitality and health.

The Charriot - Cancer

'Everyone's waiting for the hero,

to whom they want to show their best,

ignoring that his victory and success

will bring them less than a zero.'

The Charriot corresponds to the number 7 and closes the first cycle of the Major Arcana with the meaning of triumph and success.
Like a conquering hero that returns and enters in the city, in order to be received and ingratiated by the people; like the man that controls the horses and, therefore, the mind that takes over the instincts and that leads the individual to a conscious goal, through an imponent use of the power of will.
In addition, the end of this first phase denounces that the self has gone through the tests of the first cards and that has been submitted to an evolution. This process of self-creation and self-improvement has been, thus, coronated with success.
Not forgetting the psicopomp – souls’ guide- role of the horses not only in some ancient societies but also in modern days, this Arcanus may also mean the victory of the soul over mortality.
On general terms, it reflects the individual mastering his own destiny and overcoming the obstacles that may appear along the way.
Moreover, when it appears in a spread, it may mean travels and change of residence but always under a good omen.